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My 5-year goal is to be graduating from college with a degree in Music technology. I plan to major in Music production.  I will actively engage with the profound professors as well as the aspiring songwriters, producers, and vocalists who I will be with during my four years in college. I will also continue drawing for my future T-shirt company with my brothers called OKEL (Overkill Evolution). 

My 10-year goal is to work in Music Production while working with writing lyrics to being a rapper or becoming the next MC ( Microphone controller) also known as a skilled rapper.  With having a nice house, nice cars, and helping my family and friends with anything they need. Traveling the world and meeting new places with the people I love and also having fun and living my life to a point where I can't live no more.

10-year Goal

5-year Goal

Immediate Goals

My immediate goals is to graduate from high school with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Also to get good grades in school and try to go undefeated in my Soccer team. 

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